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How to Stay Warm this Winter

For the first time since the 1960s when Britain was still dealing with the crippling debt from World War II, the deficit has reached 100% of GDP. As Governments cut back on expenditure services are withdrawn. Learn how to make more money and stay warm this winter.

Table of Contents

How The Government Improve Its Finances?

The government has 4 options available and all will hit your pocket.

  • Raise Taxes – putting even greater strain on household finances and businesses
  • Cut Public Spending – putting vulnerable people at greater risk
  • Print Money – risks higher inflation and destabilizes the economy
  • Grow the Economy – encouraging trade; business growth and job creation.

    While most governments tinker with points 1-3 the only realistic way to improve the national debt and improve living conditions for its citizens is to grow the economy.

     Impact on Personal Finances

    Everyone will know that their income doesn’t go as far as it used to go. Mortgages and rents have increased; heating and energy costs have gone up; food bills cost more and there simply isn’t enough money to go around.

    The only options available are to reduce spending and increase income.

    Reducing Spending

    The first advice from the “so called experts” is always to reduce spending. Sounds good but in reality is the worst advice on offer. Simply because you have no control over core expenses. People think they are doing their best to cut back but expenses keep going up.

    For instance, heating and energy cost. Turning the thermometer down a notch does help. Putting on an extra jump so heating is kept lower helps. However, the reality is the cost continues to rise. Core charges as well has unit charges increase. Items the consumer has no control over.

    I remember when living in New Zealand there was a hydro water shortage and households had a restriction placed on energy use. One hour in the morning and one hour in the evening.

    Our home was 100% electric. We had a central heating system which kept the house at a constant temperature throughout the day. When the energy restrictions came in our electric bill soared. That was because with the electric on for just 2 hours per day, the heating was running at full capacity to try and warm the house compared to having the heating on 24/7 it only heated when the temperature dropped and was more cost effective.

    This example is to show, that trying to control your energy costs are extremely difficult and often not feasible.

    Increase Income

    The only option available to most people is to increase income. This is actually easier than most people think.

    One of the recommendations I give my clients is to look around their homes at items they haven’t used for 6 months and are unlikely to use them in the near future and sell them online through platforms such as Facebook Market Place, eBay and Etsy. The results have seen clients generate between £211 – £5500 in one month.

    Another way to make money is to teach someone about your hobby or interests. Knitting; woodworking; painting etc.

    I write and so one of the ways I make money is through selling ready made products. I write about things that I do and create books; videos and content that can be repurposed and resold.


    Eveyone has a skill that can be taught to someone else for a profit. 

    Wealth for Everyone

    Everyone can learn to make additional money to make life more comfortable.

    My first attempt at making money was through a catalogue business where I delivered catalogues on one night and collected the orders the next night. This was very successful until I moved and the couriers couldn’t find me to deliver customers products.

    I moved into writing books through self-publishing. When the books had run their self-life, I created packages that included books and videos before moving into coaching.

    Today, the market is easier as everything can be done online from the comfort of your own home.

    Wealth is attainable for everyone.

    How to Keep Warm this Winter

    No one needs to struggle anymore. The world is at their fingertips and it is easier than ever to make money online

    As governments squeeze incomes and withdraw benefits, the best question to ask yourself is not how to cut back but rather how to make more money.


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