Not As Simple As It Seems

Liftoff!  After several months in the planning the Zero to Millionaire Affiliate Program launched with a bang this week but the process of getting an affiliate program online is not as easy as it seems.

Table of Contents

Early Beginnings

Zero to Millionaire

One day a guy stopped me in a street asking if I was the author of a book he was holding in his hand.  I was, so he asked me if I would coach him.  Adopting Richard Bransons motto of saying yes and then learning how to do it, I said I would.  Then the panic set in.

I had for several years happily written and published books around investing never having any intention of coaching.  

I had seen other people build businesses around books, using them as calling cards or free gifts to become a customer, but it wasn’t something that interested me.  

So, when I gave the resounding yes, panic started about how I could deliver a training course when I didn’t have one in place.

I quickly wrote an outline for a course.  I didn’t even have a name for it.  One of my first clients called it Zero to Millionaire and it kinda stuck. 

The course would be a practical course, whereby the client would be provided with some training and they would then impliment it ready for the next session a month later.  The monthly training would also give me sufficient time to write the following month’s course.

Five years later, after many rewrites, the course known as Zero to Millionaire, was finally complete.  It consists of sixty written modules covering all levels of building businesses with an emphasis on online business also known as side hustles.  It has modules around building a property portfolios using options and it covers different aspects of digital and precious metal investing.

The modules include all the things, I did myself, as an investor, to build my wealth as I’m a great believer that you can’t teach something you don’t do yourself.

The results have been fantastic, with 4 millionaires created already and more in the pipeline.

Supportive Opportunities

My whole philosophy around coaching is, do what you teach so you are teaching from experience.  There must be supportive availble for clients.  There should be opportunities to encourage greater participation. The more immersed the client is in the training and the process the greater the results for the clients.

For instance, when we teach about share investing, many clients found opening a share trading account and making the first investment so difficult.  Not due to the process but rather due to the fear of the unknown.  Many clients stalled at the first hurdle simply because they could not get past the fear.  

So, we created investment clubs where clients could come together, learn together and invest together. It created a safe environment with support and increased members confidence to invest.

Today, there are investment clubs for shares, property and bullion. 

The Zero to Millionaire course has up till now been taught in a group environment with a maximum of 10 people. The next aim was how to make it affordable, still offer the same benefits and support.  This was a big challenge but with lots of trial and error until we came up with a  systems which will offer clients additional support throughout the course and access to the same benefits classroom clients enjoy. 

Creating an Online Course

If there was one major benefit from the pandemic it had to be the lockdowns.  This forced, stay at home, stopped all the travelling I was doing to different countries for coaching sessions and seminars.  It created extra time to focus on getting the content created, online, tested and ready to go.

As someone who was new to the whole process of online courses, it definitely was a steep learning curve. I am so grateful to the people who helped, supported, tested the course and made sure the whole thing would work.  

Scaleability was a major focus.  Again, the benefits from the pandemic were amazing and timely.  

Software companies had to adapt their own products and services to cope with larger numbers of people online.  They automatically had to upscale their products and services which in turn helped to support our scaleability targets.

We developed a way of hosting and delivering content which would fit in with the current options available within the market. They had to be at an affordable cost and something which was easily duplicable as with everything we do, we needed to retain the philosophy of doing and teaching the process to our clients. I think we achieved that using simple systems on the market. 

The Big Launch

Affiliate Marketing

Zero to Millionaire is the first course launched. Offering clients a step-by-step system for generating wealth starting with little or no money.

We have been able to include support through monthly training sessions for our affiliates and an incentive program. 

We are also able to include the support for clients so they too enjoy the benefits that personally coached clients enjoy.

As part of the launch we included the first month of affiliate training helping our new affiliates to get started with learning and earning. 

With Zero to Millionaire, clients can now learn at their own pace and build a side hustle which helps them generate more income and be able to invest more.

Steep Learning Curve

There is no doubt this has been a steep learning curve.  There were so many stops and starts along the way.  Products and Services bought which failed to deliver and then having to go back to stage one and start again.

It takes time to create quality courses,create videos and put in the support mechanisms to grow and online business.

Karen Newton International is about helping clients learn about investing in a supportive environment and with a learn and earn ethos so they make money as they learn.  

Developing an affiliate program that works for both clients and affiliates – who are also clients – meant a lot of research, a lot testing and scaleability.  It is not as simple as it seems. However, if’s been fun and we are already working on the next one.

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