
Is It Possible To Make Money Without Money

Is it possible to make money without money? Yes!

Building wealth, income and ultimately lifestyle starts with an online business. Once the online business is profitable invest into property, shares, crypto and commodities.

The whole concept of learning and investing with Karen Newton International is learning how to build an online businesses and invest the profits into joint venture opportunities that require small regular sums but where wealth can be built over 10 years.

Table of Contents

Preconceived Ideas

You need money to make money is a preconceived notion.

Too frequently, people say you need $10K to start investing in the share market or start an online business.  The reality is no money is needed to start a business.  A share investment can start with buying 1 share or a fraction of a share and that costs the price of the share plus trading fees.

There are many examples of people who have started with absolutely nothing and become very wealthy.

In 2000, I borrowed £300 on a credit card and turned it into £10 million in 4 years.  The £300 was to pay the legal fees for a zero-cost property deal.

Today, there are many ways to start making money.  Generate additional income through Affiliate Marketing using FREE tools.  

Starting with absolutely nothing is a skill that is rarely taught.  Karen Newton International specializes in teaching clients how to start with nothing and build extreme wealth.  The whole philosophy is around blasting the myths that you need money to make money.

The Formula for Building Wealth

How to Make Money Without Money

The formula for building wealth is quite simple.  It is one that has been followed over the years by Robert Kiyosaki; Jeff Bezos; Richard Branson and many other billionaires.

Create a business and invest the profits.

It is only when people try to complicate the system that it falls apart.

Keep things simple.  

Create a side hustle as an online business or online course.  Invest the profits in simple income-generating investments.  It becomes a perpetual cycle of ever-increasing income and asset growth.  Taking very little time to monitor and creating not only financial freedom but time freedom.

Live Your Dream

When your why is strong enough to start making money then the results will start to flow as long as you take action.

One of the most important “why” is the lifestyle or dream that you want to live.

In the past 2 weeks, I took most of the day off to spend with family and friends. However, income continued to come in through rental income, online course sales, and dividend income.  Everything was automated.  

All the pre-work in setting up a business, and investing in shares and property had already been done many years ago.

The pathway to Financial Freedom and Time Freedom were created many years ago so the rewards could be reaped today.

Having the focus, determination and patience to let everything fall into place was the hardest part.

The “why” ensures the focus, determination and patience don’t stray to other things.

When your “why” is strong enough, you will achieve what you desire so you can live your dream.

How to Make Money Without Money

Online business is the key to making money when you have no money.  Search the internet and there are hundreds of ways to bring in an extra $50 – $1000 a month.

Affiliate Marketing is a business model that doesn’t require any money to make money.  All that is required is internet access.  It is a business model that can be run from anywhere in the world.  All the tools can be FREE.  No overhead costs to get started.

In a recent experiment (March 2022) – I was in a marketing workshop where the tutor asked how many people have a Facebook account.  Every hand went up.  “Now type this into your feed,” he said, “and let’s see what the results are.” 

Many ignored what he asked them to do.  But those who took action, within 10 minutes were making sales from a simple post on Facebook.

Businesses were started that day with no money, using free tools.

The Power of Side Hustles

 Many clients are amazed when I ask them to start a side hustle. I thought we were here to learn about investing they often say.

Businesses especially side hustles are the biggest investment you can make. The time spent today in building and creating side hustles will provide the income for future investments and living the dream.

Side Hustles are simply, online businesses that take little or no money to set up but have the potential to bring in thousands in income month after money.

The amazing thing about side hustles is, that there is something to suit anybody in any walk of life. Whatever interest, hobby, skill, or knowledge there is a side hustle waiting to be started,

So, no excuses not to start one.

Is it Possible to Make Money Without Money?

How to Make Money Without Money

Can someone really make money when they have absolutely no money to get started?

When teaching my Zero to Millionaire course in month one I give every client a challenge.

Walk around your home today.  Look for items that you haven’t used for at least 6 months and are unlikely to use again.  Put them for sale on eBay or Etsy.

The results have been amazing.  Income generated ranges from £211 – £2750.

They have each started a side hustle business.  They did not need stock, offices, paid advertising, or any other expenses.  They simply look at what is around them and start making money without money.

What is holding you back from doing the same? 

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