A scale with work life balance
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How to Stay Warm this Winter

For the first time since the 1960s when Britain was still dealing with the crippling debt from World War II, the deficit has reached 100% of GDP. As Governments cut back on expenditure services are withdrawn. Learn how to make more money and stay warm this winter. How The Government Improve Its Finances? The government…

The Crystal Ball Method – How To Grow Your Investment Quickly

The Crystal Ball Method – How To Grow Your Investment Quickly

Each month with my Mastermind Groups we look at different aspects of the economy and how one thing can impact on the other. Strategic Investing is like having a crystal ball and being able to see the future impact on the economy. For example – when container shipping rates are high that will have an…

Understand Investment Cycles, Understand How To Make Money
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Understand Investment Cycles, Understand How To Make Money

How many times have you been to a wealth training course, learned a strategy for making money and found it didn’t work? You are left feeling disappointed and let down and feel you wasted your money on the training course. In most cases the system works it is just the timing was wrong as all…

Stop The Madness

Stop The Madness

As the gap between wealthy and poor widens, frustration takes over and discontent says to tax the rich more.  This achieves little, not because of safe havens or any other schemes to reduce tax.  The real issue is the population is brainwashed from birth to be poor. Wrong Type of Education Global education systems are…

What Is The New Norm?

As one trillion dollars flows into the stock market, more than the previous 19 years added together, is this the new norm for investing? Stock markets have seen unprecedented increases at a time of a struggling economy.  Businesses are battered by consistent lockdowns hitting jobs and profits. Proposed interest rate hikes are likely to hit the…

Is This The End For Crypto?

Is This The End For Crypto?

China bans crypto for the umpteenth time but is it just another toothless threat or are things different this time? China No Longer an Asset Rich Society People have short memories and few remember back to the 2008 Credit Crunch, when the Western World was bankrupt.  Businesses were tumbling like dominoes and disappearing from the…